How can my clients view each other's accounts?

    Updated at: August 4th, 2020

    If two clients would like to view each other's accounts, they can set this up through their CI Direct Investing dashboard by following the process below.

    The first client will need to log into their CI Direct Investing account and select "Profile" from the drop-down menu in the top-right corner of the screen. Then click "Link Accounts" to get the following page. 

    Once the invitation is sent, the second client will log into their email and click "Join Accounts".

    This will bring them to the Link Accounts section on their profile so they can accept the invitation. Note that the second client will need to sign into their own CI Direct Investing account before accepting the invitation. 

    Once this is done, both clients will be able to view each other's accounts on their CI Direct Investing dashboard. 

    Please note that any transactions will still need to be initiated by the Primary Account holder. This includes all deposits, withdrawals, and existing account transfers.

    If you have any questions, please contact your regional representative or [email protected].

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