Where can I find the CI Direct Investing transfer forms?

    Updated at: January 23rd, 2023

    You can find a list of blank transfer forms below.  Our custodian's information has already been inputted so you don't have to worry about where the funds are going.

    Registered Transfer

    This section applies to the following account types: 

    • TFSA
    • RRSP
    • Spousal RRSP
    • LIRA
    • RRIF
    • Spousal RRIF
    • LIF

    Before filling out the forms, please refer to the example document below to help reduce any potential delays in the transfer process. 

    Non-Registered Transfer

    This section applies to the following account types: 

    • Individual Non-registered
    • Joint Non-registered 

    Before filling out the forms, please refer to the example document below to help reduce any potential delays in the transfer process. 

    RESP Transfer

    This section applies to the following account types: 

    • RESP
    • Joint RESP

    Before filling out the forms, please refer to the example document below to help reduce any potential delays in the transfer process. 

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