To avoid any client confusion regarding the roles and responsibilities between their PPI Representative and CI Direct Investing.
Representatives Can:
- Assist clients with financial planning activities including cash flow planning, tax planning, etc.. (As outlined in Client Engagement Agreement)
- Refer clients to a CIDI portfolio manager when they wish to talk about investments.
- Outline generally the types of services and portfolio choices/themes CIDI provides (i.e. Valet Portfolios, Private Portfolios, Forstrong Portfolios, ESG Portfolios, Essential Portfolios.)
- Be clear that financial planning is different from portfolio management (investment advice) since portfolio management is a registerable activity that can only be provided by registered portfolio managers.
- Request approval on all marketing content that references CIDI, including links to the CIDI website, before it is published.
- Be clear that they are not employed or contracted by CIDI.
Representatives Cannot:
- Discuss or explain the CIDI portfolio attributes.
- Collect KYC information from the client to relay to CIDI (we must collect our own KYC info).
- Discuss the client’s investment KYC information in the context of how it will/may impact the portfolio selection.
- Request any portfolio changes to CIDI on behalf of the client.
- Hold themselves out as a portfolio manager or investment advisor.
- Offer advice as to the type of portfolio they should invest in, or complete the suitability assessment for the client. This is a registerable activity.